Tuesday, September 2, 2008

one man's trash is another man's treasure

This past Labor Day weekend the sound of ten thousand lawnmowers echoed across the neighborhoods of San Antonio. Recent rains had caused our grass to grow so unruly that only a three day weekend of yard work could counter such an insult. Grown men of all trades put on their grass-stained tennies and went about walking every square foot of their yards. Ahead of them and into the tall grass they would thrust a noisy contraption as they had toxic fumes blown into their faces. The smart men would leave the grass clippings where they fell to help return the nutrients to their lawn, but the foolish ones would rather bag their victory and put it on the curb. 

Unbeknownst to them, they would be visited that evening by the neighborhood's organic gardener and his wife...


Kyle Burkholder said...

class c misdemeanor...

you are a criminal, like robin hood. stealing from the dump to give to mother earth.

and i am now an accomplice.

Anonymous said...

I like you writing. Very engaging.