Day 10, Tuesday 5/27
I woke up to a dog licking my face. Gross. I pushed the dog away with a hazy consciousness and looked around the room to till I saw Chris. He was already up and told me that Robin's mom made us pancakes. I knew it! So we got dressed and ate a hearty breakfast. After doing some research we decided to climb in Red Rock Canyon just down the road. We climbed some beautiful red sandstone routes. Sandstone is quite a bit different than granite, it's like grabbing used sandpaper and makes for tougher climbing because it crumbles off in your hands. We all had a great time. Shaun and I climbed a few 5.10 routes and finished the day with a very difficult 5.10+.

After exhausting ourselves with all the climbing, Chris called Robin and we were invited back for a shish-kabob dinner. We ate till we nearly burst! Her dad invited us to stay the night again, but we declined. Instead we opted to head home. Realizing we were only a 12 hour drive from our beds, we made plans to drive all night to San Antonio. We packed up everything and left Colorado Springs at 7:30pm.
We drove in 2 hour shifts all through the night, finally getting home at 10am. We quickly unpacked the car in the hot and unfamiliar humidity of the morning. Shaun and I set the tent up in the backyard to air out (it had been stuffed soaking wet since the long's peak campsite). Then I took a shower and crawled into bed... my bed. I quickly fall asleep. Finally home again, the Tetons trip is over.
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