stick your finger in the dirt, drop a seed in the hole, and welcome the rise of civilization.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Authorized to Test
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pulled up the Tomatoes

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Turning the Last Page
Turning the Last Page
Your pages turn with anticipation,
your characters are colors in my mind,
you're crafted by soul, and linger in heart.
And with such joy I leap from page to page!
Watching them rise and fall like a slow breath.
Soon discovering what we have become,
as your last page turns and rests silently.
Now closed, you lay in my lap. It's a curse,
to read you for the first time only once.
With innocent ignorance, I wish I
could slowly read through your pages again!
I wish to be taken by you for the
first time once more, along your unknown paths,
without knowing beforehand your beauty.
To read not knowing how much you loved me,
even before you became the slightest
thought in my head, innocent though it was.
It is a worse curse though, to not know you.
And now, looking forward, what a joy it
truly is, for my heart to have a home!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Photolog 11/24/2008

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Healing from Poison Oak and Radiohead

Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Poison Oak at Reimers Ranch

I went climbing last weekend for the first time since May, and I was disappointed with my performance. Back in Colorado Shaun and I were climbing routes that were 5.10-5.11 difficulty every day. Last Saturday I could barely break 5.8, and wore myself out trying to get past the crux move on a 5.9. To add some serious injury to that insult I discovered a rash beginning to form on my left arm Monday morning...
I went rock climbing at Reimers Ranch and all I got was Poison Oak. (For all the climbers who are looking to climb out at Reimers who ended up here because of a search engine: the poison oak I got into is to the right of the bee cave, you can't miss it.)
Of all the plants that I will highlight in this blog, these are the only ones I officially hate with a passion. I know, I know, hating a plant sounds a little ridiculous, so maybe a better way to say it is to say that I would rather they didn't exist at all, or I wouldn't shed a tear at their extinction. The plant belongs to the genus Toxicodendron, and is known to the unfortunate outdoorsman as poison oak. It has an oil (called urushiol) that binds to the surface proteins on your skin cells. Your body then recognizes the cells as foreign invaders and this causes an auto-immune reaction. Over the next two weeks your body goes through a miserable civil war between your epidermis and a T-Cell mediated immune response. The war does not end until your immune response is done completely metabolizing the urushiol along with any cell it ever touched. SUCK.
Up close and personal with my favorite plant in the whole world.
Poison Oak and I have a bit of a history together, so I knew it right when I saw it. I recognized it growing out of the route we were climbing and yet I climbed on. I assumed I would stay out of it for some reason... STUPID. Apparently I mashed my left elbow down into it real good at some point. From there I scratched the urushiol underneath the fingernails of my right hand, and from there I spread it to the rest of my body (save only one special place PRAISE THE LORD!). It's just about everywhere by now, both arms, both legs, my torso, my head and neck, my left foot, and inside my belly button (can't really explain that one). The thing about urushiol is that the places that receive the highest dose get a rash first, and the places that got a lesser dose continue to pop up all over during the course of the first week. This leads one to believe that they are still spreading it, when in reality all the spreading was done before you took your first shower.
Sounds terrible huh... it gets worse. This crap gets way worse... I'm talking longevity.
The worst part is that the urushiol will stay on objects it came in contact with, like the climbing rope and all my gear for example. So now I must give everything a good scrubbing with a soapy water/ rubbing alcohol mixture and hope that it's gone (there is only one way to find out). Also, I must make the decision to never, ever, use Shaun's rope again as it was practically dragged through the stuff. A new rope is 200 bucks.
So not only did I not climb well, I am absolutely miserable for the time being. I am going to make an appointment on Monday so I can get some high-strength corticosteroid pills/cream. Till then it's a Benadryl every four hours and an Aveeno bath before bed. The itching is so bad, I have to practically put myself in a Benadryl-induced coma just to sleep more than four hours at night.
Still, it could be a whole lot worse... I could be sitting in some ashes scraping myself with a piece of broken pottery. No matter how bad life gets we can always tell ourselves that Job had it worse. Abbey has been really gracious with me and my uncomfortable impatience this week, and that alone has allowed me to keep my sanity.

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Photolog 10/31/2008: Halloween

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Early Voting
Friday, October 24, 2008
Photolog 10/24/2008: Snakes

Friday, October 17, 2008
Photolog 10/17.2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Photolog 10/10/2008, Grand National

Friday, October 3, 2008
What does it all mean? Photolog 10/3/2008

Friday, September 26, 2008
Photolog: September

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
We live in an amazing time, and this video makes me smile. Isn't Stevie the greatest?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Photolog 9/19/2008

today's harvest: Okra

Monday, September 15, 2008
Buggered Corn

For the past three weeks, my corn has been steadily consumed by tiny caterpillars, and I have been too busy with school to do anything about it. The little buggers were deep down in the stalk eating the new leaves before they even unravelled! There were certain measures I was prepared to go to in order to protect the delicate stalks. I suppose I could have sprayed them with any combination of my organic pesticides, but most of the corn just wasn't doing well enough to warrant such extremes. This afternoon I pulled it all up and buried it in the compost. The corn roast party has officially been delayed until the spring harvest. Bugger!